"I only wanted to test some meal..."
About Aerodynamic
Plans and helicopters it's all from last century. Unlike bird they fly bad and fall painly, nevertherless modern technologies. The plan falls helpless, cos it have uncontrolled bird like wings! In other side, the birtd, when begin fall down, then push air by wing and again have straight flight. Like the man on the rope). Any plan has i.e. "critical angles" when it loss all UpForce.
If You (bad guy), too many read aerodynamic books, and very very ask one proud bird stick rod to wings for impossible moving it and gave her motor just in teeth by "scotch", well, what that proud bird would said to You then? (after releasing) Those words: You are ....... ... ........ ......... ... ...... ..... ....... ........ !!!!!! And You get rod in head too. And she would right. People would better not build airplanes but growse chickens horse size. Or growse wings on the horse. Right way!
It must be safe device. The safety is on the first place here. High safety it is the uncharged "saucer", locked in garage and disassembled on parts. But we don't afraid - "some amount insects useful for cat", so if "saucer" will done absolutely safe, then for sharp senses the drawings will content errors, mistakes, misspelles, bugs. Because "Who live by books will die from misspelles"(Segun).
There is no any critics here. You can see in a lot Russian conferences - "The Truth die from discussion". So we should have only criteria: "It's fly ot it isn't" ?
This site are not observing internet only, but mainly report about my work. So in year something should fly. It must fly not only jump. At least the flying spoon if not saucer.
"So it was only sleep?!"
(Mouse came from www.nemaroff.com .)